Yahuda101 Daniel 9:1–27- In the first year of Darius

Daniel 9:1–27- In the first year of Darius By Yahuda101 Should 490 years be taken literally or symbolically? Observe first that even though Jeremiah wrote about seventy years of captivity, the Jews were actually in exile less than seventy years. Daniel tells us when this count down starts. 1 In the first year of Darius, the son of Ahasuerus of the seed of Media, who was crowned over the kingdom of the Chaldeans. Darius, son of Ahasuerus king of Babylon between Belshazzar and Cyrus the Great. Darius is first mentioned in the story of Belshazzar's feast ( Daniel 5 ). Belshazzar, king of Babylon , holds a great feast, during which a hand appears and writes on the wall: " MENE , MENE , TEKEL , and PARSIN " (מנא מנא תקל ופרסין). Daniel interprets the words: Belshazzar has been weighed and found wanting, and his kingdom is to be divided between the Medes and Persians. The story concludes: "That very night Belshazzar the Chaldean (Babylon...