The Month of Cheshvan on the Temple Mount

📈 3199 Jews ascended the Temple Mount in the month of Cheshvan, a 26% rise year over year to Cheshvan on last year (2537 Jewish ascenders). Please find our recap of Beyadenu's activity for the month of Cheshvan: This month's update is dedicated to the memory of Gershon Solomon, z"l, who was one of the leading Temple Mount activists for decades and passed away earlier this week. 🎊 Record numbers of Jews ascended the Temple Mount this month of Cheshvan. Since the start of the Jewish Year, 11,137 Jews have ascended to the Temple Mount, a 28% year-over-year rise in the number of those ascending in the months of Tishrei and Cheshvan of last year. 🎉 9 grooms, 5 brides, 3 Bar Mitzvah boys and 2 Bat Mitzvah girls celebrated these milestones by ascending the Temple Mount. 🎓 Among the organized groups who ascended the Temple Mount in Cheshvan were: Mechinat Amichai from Cramim, Mechinat Kol Ami from Kiryat Anavim, Mechinat Lachish, The Harduf School who also received a lecture...