ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Friday, 11 Tammuz, 5783 June 30, 2023 - Shabbat, 12 Tammuz, 5783 July 1, 2023

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Friday, 11 Tammuz, 5783 June 30, 2023 - Shabbat, 12 Tammuz, 5783 July 1, 2023 Candle Lighting Light Candles at 7:09 PM Jewish History Purim Tammuz (Algiers) (1775) In 1775, the Spanish General O'Reilly attacked the city of Algiers and was successfully repulsed by the Dey of Algiers, Mohammed ibn Uman. Tradition has it that flames came out of the graves of the great Rabbis Isaac ben Sheshet and Solomon ben Simon Duran and contributed to the Spanish defeat. To celebrate the miracle of having escaped Spanish rule, the Jews of Algiers instituted a "Purim" on the 11th of Tammuz. Link: Rabbi Isaac ben Sheshet (Ribash) Passing of R. Elchanan Wasserman (1941) R. Elchanan Bunem Wasserman headed a famous yeshivah in Baranovitch (in what is now Belarus), attracting many bright students. At the outbreak of World War II, he fled with the yeshivah to Lithuania. In 1941, when the Nazis broke their pact with the Soviets and overran Lithuania, he was one of the t...