Julius I ask

Julius I ask I ask By Julius I ask, what's the difference between a court put in place by a few, and a tyrant? What is the difference between a Prime Minister elected by a nation, and a court put in place by a few? A Democracy is governed by a Prime Minister that is elected by the nation, not by a court put in place by a few. A government that rules by a court is a Kritarchy! The government of Israel tries to be inclusive and include all walks of life within Israel regardless of religion, even though Israel is supposed to be a Jewish nation. This would be a good thing if the people who are voted into office truly loved Israel, appears that some don't! Many of the left wing owe allegiance to those who wish to eradicate Israel off the map and kill all Jews. Not just in Israel, but worldwide! This Jew says good luck with that! WON’T HAPPEN! It appears that many within the court hates Israel, and tries to do everything they can to cause the collapse of Israel from within...