Julius Raise Your Hand If You’re A Kohen

Raise Your Hand If You’re A Kohen By Julius Jews have an aristocracy. An aristocracy, however, without castles, but with titles, privileges, duties and restrictions. Unlike most aristocracies, the Jewish aristocracy does not use formal salutations such as “Your Grace” or “My Lord.” For Jews, these aristocrats are the kohanim , the priests who once served in the Temple of Jerusalem . A kohen (singular form of kohanim ) is just like any baron, marquis or duke—but not quite. And then there are their assistants, the Levites . According to the Torah , Jacob had twelve sons. Each son was the founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel . Each tribe had a separate territory, with the exception of the tribe of Levi . During the Exodus , when the Israelites made the Golden Calf , only the Levites refused to worship it. As a result, they were appointed servants to G‑d . Of the members of this tribe, those who were descended from Aaron , brother of Moses , became the kohanim . Aaro...