"And they will take the sacrifice of Joseph, and slaughter the city of Azim, and will soak the sacrifice in blood"

"And they will take the sacrifice of Joseph, and slaughter the city of Azim, and will soak the sacrifice in blood" מכון המקדש #המקדש_בפרשה "And they will take the sacrifice of Joseph, and slaughter the city of Azim, and will soak the sacrifice in blood" (Genesis 5:5, 6:5) In our affair the brothers sell Joseph, and to hide the issue of selling and to tell Jacob that Joseph has gone crazy, they slaughter a goat's hair and dip Joseph's skin in blood. Why specifically in the blood of a hair? The seminary says that 'the hairy blood is very similar to human blood' and thus the brothers made Jacob think that Joseph was indeed a 'crazy predator'. For this sin of the brothers, we were admonished for generations to bring to the temple during the holidays, with the public sacrifices, even a city dares to sin. The Temple symbolizes the place of unity and peace in the people of Israel (the next thing next to me is an expression, for example on a pilgri...