ChaBaD The Hebrew Month of Sivan In the month of Sivan we celebrate the giving of the Torah on the holiday of Shavuot
ChaBaD The Hebrew Month of Sivan In the month of Sivan we celebrate the giving of the Torah on the holiday of Shavuot The Hebrew Month of Sivan In the month of Sivan we celebrate thegiving of the Torah on the holiday of Shavuot One Heart - By Sara Seldowitz Sivan is the third month on the Jewish calendar counting from Nissan . In the month of Sivan, we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot , when the Torah was given by G‑d to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai more than 3,300 years ago. Every year on the holiday of Shavuot , we renew our acceptance of G‑d ’s gift, and G‑d “re-gives” the Torah . Read more... Sivan Articles 10 Sivan Facts Every Jew Should Know The Month of Sivan Month of Sivan (1) Month of Sivan (2) Month of Sivan (3) Don't Get Lost in the Crowd Mothers-in-Law and Daughters-in-Law View All 10 Shavuot The Holiday of the Giving of the Torah What Is Shavuot (Shavuos)? Practical Shavuot About Shavuot...