KabbalaOnline.org "Pray It Up" [Vayakhel/Pekudei 5783]
KabbalaOnline.org "Pray It Up" [Vayakhel/Pekudei 5783] ASCENT OF SAFED, P. O. BOX 296, SAFED 13102, email: director@ascentofsafed.com The week of VAYAKHEL/PEKUDEI 5783 The learning from this Torah teaching is dedicated to the merit of RAFAEL STERN ז"ל in loving memory by his son MARTIN STERN & family שי' May his soul have a great elevation above and continue to be a faithful advocate for the entire family. One of the questions that comes up immediately on reading this week’s double Torah portion, Vayakhel/Pekudei is the repetition. Everything we are told here was already described a few weeks ago in portions Terumah and Titzaveh . The word Torah means teaching. The Torah is G-d’s will and wisdom. Every word is something Divine. Why repeat what we have already learned? The Lubavitcher Rebbe answers by reminding us of another place where the Torah repeats itself in connection with Eliezer, the servant of Avra...