ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Thursday, March 23, 2023 1 Nissan, 5783

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Thursday, March 23, 2023 1 Nissan, 5783 Rosh Chodesh Nissan Torah Reading Rosh Chodesh: Numbers 28:1-3; Numbers 28:3-15 Jewish History Creation of man (in thought) (3761 BCE) The Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 10b-11a) cites two opinions as to the date of G-d's creation of the universe: according to Rabbi Eliezer: "The world was created in Tishrei" (i.e., the sixth day of creation--the day on which Adam and Eve were created--was the 1st of Tishrei, celebrated each year as Rosh Hashanah); according to Rabbi Joshua, "The world was created in Nissan." As interpreted by the Kabbalists and the Chassidic masters, the deeper meaning of these two views is that the physical world was created in Tishrei, while the "thought" or idea of creation was created in the month of Nissan. (see "Links" below) Link: Our Other Head The Patriarchs (1813-1506 BCE) According to the Talmud, the three Patriarchs of the Jewish people-- Abraham (1813-16...