
Showing posts with the label Sefaria What do Jewish texts tell us about translation?

Sefaria What do Jewish texts tell us about translation?

 Sefaria What do Jewish texts tell us about translation?       Friend, The Torah can today be read in numerous languages all over the world. However, translation isn't just a modern phenomenon. Jewish texts indicate that translation has been going on for millennia — and for as long as Jews have translated their texts, they have also discussed if, when, and how to do so. Translations are an integral part of our collection. Learners like you come to Sefaria every day to read texts in languages you understand, to compare interpretations, to teach, and more. In the coming weeks, we're excited to share ways to make the most of our translation offerings and explore approaches that translators have taken in preparing the materials you'll find in the library. But first, let's look at what some of the core texts of the ...