
Showing posts with the label The OU's Mishna Yomit Pesachim 9:2-3

The OU's Mishna Yomit Pesachim 9:2-3

 The OU's Mishna Yomit Pesachim 9:2-3   THE OU'S MISHNA YOMIT SPONSOR A SHIUR ON OU TORAH Pesachim 9:2-3 Listen to the shiur on OU Torah » Pesachim 9:2 A journey that would prevent someone from bringing the Passover offering means that a person is as far away from Jerusalem as Modiim, or the equivalent distance in any direction (15 mil – about 8.5 miles); this is the position of Rabbi Akiva. Rabbi Eliezer says even outside the entry to the Temple courtyard qualifies as being away. Rabbi ...