ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Times Monday, 14 Tammuz, 5783 July 3, 2023

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Times Monday, 14 Tammuz, 5783 July 3, 2023 Torah Reading Pinchas: Numbers 25:10 - 26:4 Jewish History Jews of Schaffhausen (Switzerland) Burned at the Stake (1401) After the postilion (coach driver) of the governor killed the four-year-old son of a councilor, charges were lodged against a Jew named Michael Vinelmann, a former resident of Basel, alleging that he had promised the murderer three gulden for the blood of the child. The murderer was broken on the wheel, and the Jew burned alive without trial. Shortly before, a similar accusation had been brought against the Jews of Schaffhausen and been successfully refuted. When news of Michael Vinelmann's fate was brought to Schaffhausen, several of the Jews of the city fled and were soon captured. They were taken back to Schaffhausen, where they were thrown into a dungeon and terribly tortured. Unable to endure the pain, they "confessed" to the crime of which they had been accused, whereupon all t...