Meor Einayim - Getting Hashem To Speak To You Meor Einayim - Getting Hashem To Speak To You Meor Einayim By Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein To Dedicate an Article click here Parshas Vayikra Getting Hashem To Speak To You He called to Moshe, and Hashem spoke to him from the Ohel Moed. [2] Look carefully at the pasuk . The line opens with an unidentified “He.” Of course, it does not take too long before we learn in the next phrase that it was Hashem who called to Moshe. Why does the identification have to wait at all? Why does the Torah not write, “Hashem called to Moshe, and spoke to him?” We learn here of a process that applied to our nation in its infancy, and to a great many individuals to this day. A person kept in complete darkness for a long period of time cannot tolerate light. To make him visually functional, you need to first expose him to the smallest sliver of light, perhaps through a ...