Daf Yomi Review Parsha Balak
Daf Yomi Review Parsha Balak source: Daf Yomi Review - Powerful review programs for daf yomi, tanach, torah, mishnayos, halacha etc. this series is public domain - feel free to use Parsha Balak PDF || Word || Print/Mobile || Archives (note: if Hebrew text does not display properly, please use PDF link) בלק בס"ד Balak is a Parsha סתומה (no spaces). Parshas ויצא is also סתומה, the connection between the two Parshios, being that ויצא talks of Lavan who most say was מתגלגל into בלעם, and both wanted to לעקור את הכל. Parshas Balak is a Parsha of ונהפוך הוא, in that Billam’s curses were transformed into Brachos, even when the yidden deserved קללה. This demonstrates the deep love that Hashem has for בני ישראל. Parshas Balak usually falls the Shabbos before יז בתמוז. All the fast days will be Yomim Tovim in the future. One main difference of the fast of יז בתמוז, is that this fast falls in the second half of the month, when the מדת הדין is prevalent. There used t