
Showing posts with the label April 19

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Wednesday, April 19, 2023 28 Nissan, 5783

 ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Wednesday, April 19, 2023 28 Nissan, 5783 Omer: Day 13 -  Yesod sheb'Gevurah Tonight Count 14 Jewish History Jericho's Wall Collapses (1273 BCE) On the seventh day of the encirclement of Jericho (see Jewish History for the  22nd of Nissan ), the Jews, accompanied by the Holy Ark, circled the city seven times. After the blowing of the  shofar , the walls miraculously crashed and sank, leaving the city open and unprotected. Jericho was easily conquered, becoming the first fortified Canaanite city to fall to the Children of Israel in their conquest of the Promised Land. Links : Joshua chapter six with commentary Crossing the Jordan Buchenwald Liberated (1945) The Buchenwald concentration camp was founded in 1937 near the town of Weimar, Germany. Approximately 250,000 prisoners were incarcerated in this camp until its liberation in 1945. Weimar is a German city known for its highly cultured citizenry. It was the home of many of the upper class int...