Julius Fire and brimstone

Fire and Brimstone By Julius As seen from the Torah, G-d created everything within this vast universe, everything to include the angels; he can also destroy everything he created. So why then would he create an angel who has no free will that would try to take over? G-d is Omniscient G-d knows all things, past, present and future. He knows our thoughts. So if Satan was planning to take over, G-d would know it before Satan even thought of it, that is if Satan had free thought? This thought of G-d being Omniscient goes hand in hand with G-d being is Omnipresent; G-d is in all places at all times. He fills the universe and exceeds its scope. He is always near for us to call upon in need, and He sees all that we do. Closely tied in with this idea is the fact that G-d is universal. He is not just the G-d of the Jews; He is the G-d of all nations. What I call Fire and brimstone preachers use the idea of burning in hell forever like parents use the boogey man to frighten children into...