Sefaria Onkelos Deuteronomy 27: 1-10

Sefaria Onkelos Deuteronomy 27: 1-10 Level one: Reading the weekly parsha with the haftorah both with Rashi in two languages: Hebrew-English. When we are used in it: reading it very quickly every day the whole year and on Simcha Torah we start over again with Bereshith. Onkelos Targum reading very quickly in Hebrew-English near the weekly parsha. About This Text Onkelos Deuteronomy Targum Targum Onkelos is the official eastern (Babylonian) targum (Aramaic translation) to the Torah. However, its early origins may have been western, in Israel. Some identify this translation as the work of Aquila of Sinope in an Aramaic translation (Zvi Hirsch Chajes), or believe that the name "Onkelos" originally referred to Aquila but was applied in error to the Aramaic instead of the Greek translation. The translator is unique in that he avoids any type of personification. Samuel D. Luzzatto suggests that the translation was originally meant for the "simple people". ...