ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Tuesday, 3 Sivan, 5783 May 23, 2023

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Tuesday, 3 Sivan, 5783 May 23, 2023 Omer: Day 47 - Hod sheb'Malchut Tonight Count 48 Jewish History Jews Prepare to Receive Torah (1313 BCE) On Sivan 3, G-d instructed Moses to "set boundaries for the people around, saying, 'Beware of ascending the mountain or touching its edge...'" (Exodus 19:10-12) in preparation for the Giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai three days later. To this day, we mark the "Three Days of Hagbalah ('Boundaries')" leading to the Giving of the Torah on Sivan 6 . Links: Boundaries The Giving of the Torah Vespasian Captures Jericho (68 CE) In his advance towards the destruction of Jerusalem, Rome Emperor Titus Flavius Vespasianus ("Vespasian") captures Jericho and massacres all its inhabitants. Maimonides Arrives in Israel (1165) On 4 Iyar, 4925 (1165), Maimonides sets sail from Fez, Morocco, to escape Islamic persecution. The journey is fraught with danger, including a storm on 10 Iyar...