
Showing posts with the label Magazine Vol. 19 no. 30 Magazine Vol. 19 no. 30

Image Magazine Vol. 19 no. 30 bs'D Magazine A project of Ascent-of-Safed The Week of Parshat Emor Sunday, April 30, 2023 - Saturday night,  May  6  /  9-15  IYAR  5783   PREFACE: The little known biblical holiday of  Pesach Sheini , which occurs on the 14th of the Jewish month of  Iyar  (this Friday),  is the subject of our 1st and 2nd articles. Hope you saved some matza! Kabbalah customs for  Shabbat ! (see article #3) In the 3rd article you might find a few Kabbalah customs for Shabbat which you never heard of before. The 4th article presents insights for the this Shabbat's chapter (#4)  of   Pirkei Avot  (the Mishnaic tractate of 'Ethical Principles'). Also, both #1 and #4 will help get you in the mood for  Lag b'Omer  next week, as they both present teachings from Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai