ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Times Wednesday, 6 Elul, 5783 August 23, 2023

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Times Wednesday, 6 Elul, 5783 August 23, 2023 Jewish History Passing of R. Yom Tov Lipman Heller, the "Tosfot Yom Tov" (1654) R. Yom Tov was a preeminent Torah scholar who served as rabbi in many distinguished communities in Austria and Poland. He is most famous for his Mishnah commentary, called Tosfot Yom Tov , which appears in most large editions of the Mishnah and is an indispensable tool for obtaining a thorough understanding of the text. He authored numerous other works as well, including a commentary on the halachic work of R. Asher ben Yechiel (the Rosh) , and Tzurat Habayit , clarifying the future layout of the third Holy Temple . In his autobiographical work Megilat Eivah , R. Yom Tov describes how, when serving as rabbi of Prague, his enemies slandered him to the Austrian Emperor, resulting in his imprisonment and a death sentence. Thankfully, the verdict was later mitigated to a monetary fine and a prohib...