ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Times Monday, February 6, 2023 15 Shevat, 5783
ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Times Monday, February 6, 2023 15 Shevat, 5783 15 Shevat - New Year for Trees Torah Reading Yitro: Exodus 18:1-12 Jewish History Birthday of R. Nechemiah of Dubrowna (1788-1852) R. Nechemiah was a brilliant Torah scholar who lived in Dubrowna, a town in what is now Belarus. He was a disciple of the first three Rebbes of Chabad, R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi , R. DovBer of Lubavitch , and R. Menachem Mendel Schneersohn of Lubavitch (who was also his first cousin through marriage). He kept a scholarly correspondence with R. Menachem Mendel, some of which is preserved in his book of responsa, Divrei Nechemiah . R. Nechemiah was born on 15 Shevat in the year 5548 from Creation (1788), and passed away on his sixty-fourth birthday in 5612 (1852). Link: Man Alive Laws and Customs New Year for Trees Today is Tu BiShevat ("the 15th of Shevat") which marks the beginning of a "New Year for Trees." This is the season in...