ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Thursday, 7 Elul, 5783 August 24, 2023

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Thursday, 7 Elul, 5783 August 24, 2023 Torah Reading Ki Teitzei: Deuteronomy 21:10-21 Jewish History Moses' parents remarry (1394 BCE) Amram and Jocheved had separated because of Pharaoh's decree that all male Jewish babies be killed. Prompted by their six-year-old daughter Miriam's rebuke ("Pharaoh decreed against the males; you decreed against the males and the females") they remarried on the 7th of Elul of the year 2367 from creation (1394 BCE). Moses was born six months and one day later on Adar 7, 2368 (Talmud, Sotah 12b). Links: Midrashic account of Amram and Jocheved's remarriage Spies die (1312 BCE) The Spies who slandered the Land of Israel died in the desert (Talmud, Sotah 35a; see Numbers 13-14 and text and links for Av 9 and Av 15). Laws and Customs Elul Observances As the last month of the Jewish year, Elul is traditionaly a time of introspection and stocktaking -- a time to review one's deeds and spiritual progress...