
Showing posts with the label "Say 'Thank You!'" [Vaeira 5783] "Say 'Thank You!'" [Vaeira 5783]

Image "Say 'Thank You!'" [Vaeira 5783] ASCENT OF SAFED, P. O. BOX 296, SAFED 13102, email: The week of  VAEIRA 5783 Dedicated in loving memory and for the merit of MORDECHAI ben KALMAN ז"ל May his soul have a great elevation above and continue to be a faithful advocate for STEVEN SCHMUTTER & FAMILY שי' The Ba’al Shem Tov [1] taught we have to take a lesson in how to serve G-d from everything that happens around us. How much more so, taught the Alter Rebbe [2] (whose yahrzeit was this week), that we have to “live with the times” meaning to delve into the Torah for special pertinent messages for ourselves. Ask any child, “Who brought the Ten Plagues on Egypt?”, and they will say “Moshe”. Yet if we study the verses in this week’s Torah portion, Vaeira , we see that this is not always the case. The verse says “And G-d said to Moshe, tell Aharon, take your staff and po...