Rav Avitan - English 6

Rav Avitan - English 6 https://chat.whatsapp.com/FJzquTfcyQQFexm2LBgcFd Daf HaSegulot for Shabbat- 19th of Kislev Thank you, Leor Gabbai, for translating the segulas. As Rabbi Avitan shlita explained in his last video clip, this upcoming Shabbat is a highly auspicious time for salvation Here are a few segulot and instructions on how to take advantage of this opportunity to receive the gifts that Hashem is ready to bestow upon each and every one of us: 1) The first step, as usual, involves love for your fellow Jew. It’s very important to share this message and spread it to others so that they may also benefit from this great day of salvation. 2) Before Shabbat candle lighting, light a candle in the merit of the holy tzadik Rabbi Dov the Great Magid from Mezritsch (May his memory protect us), whose yahrzeit falls on this day. 3) Recite the following words from the holy book written by the Magid from Mezritsch z”l (May his memory protect us): “Faith is a vessel for fear o...