
Showing posts with the label Kollel Iyun Hadaf Quiz: Sotah 26-30

Kollel Iyun Hadaf Quiz: Sotah 26-30

 Kollel Iyun Hadaf Quiz: Sotah 26-30 Quiz on the Daf Quiz on סוטה כו 1. Fellow marries מינקת חבירו what do we do? a) Say Mazel Tov. b) They must divorce never to remarry. c) They may remarry when she is done nursing. d) Machlokes A&B. e) Machlokes B&C. 2. An איילונית can drink סוטה. a) True. b) False. c) Safek. d) Machlokes A&B. e) Machlokes A&C. 3. אשת גר can drink. a) True. b) False. "דבר אל בני ישראל" c) False. הלכה למשה מסיני. d) ספק e) תיקו 4. One cannot warn his wife away from a minor. a) True. b) False. c) Safek. d) Machlokes A&B. e) Machlokes A&C. 5. One cannot warn his wife away from a קרוב. a) True. b) False. c) Safek. d) Machlokes A&B. e) Machlokes A&C. 6. One cannot warn his wife away from שלא כדרכה. a) True. b) False. c) Safek. d) Machlokes A&B. e) Machlokes A&C. ----------Key---------- 1. (e) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d) Quiz on סו