KabbalaOnline.org "To Russia with Love" Story #1323
KabbalaOnline.org "To Russia with Love" Story #1323 bs"D From the desk of Yerachmiel Tilles < editor@ascentofsafed.com > Story #1323 (5783-30) 26 Nissan 5783 (April 17, 2023) Discover! the " TillesTells Saturday Night Stories ” WhatsApp group Story in PDF format for more convenient printing TO RUSSIA WITH LOVE I [ Eliezer Danziger ] am from Canada originally, and never had any connection to Russia growing up. When I look back at what brought me here, it’s almost amusing. I was in yeshiva in Israel, and my roommate was planning on spending his summer volunteering at a camp in Russia. At first, I had no interest in going - I already had my plans in place to spend my summer in California. But after much cajoling on my roommate’s end, I gave in and agreed to join him. It was 1998. We landed in Crimea - and neither of us spoke even a...