Julius What Are Angels?

Julius What Are Angels? By Julius What Are Angels? The Jewish belief in angels goes as far back as the Book of Genesis, where we read about angels calling out to Abraham at the binding of Isaac, angels appearing in Jacob's dream, Jacob fighting with an angel, and many more accounts of angelic activity. Angels are then mentioned numerous times throughout the other books of the Torah, Prophets, and Scriptures. According to Jewish tradition, an angel is a spiritual being and does not have any physical characteristics. The angelic descriptions provided by the prophets – such as wings, arms etc. – are anthropomorphic, referring to their spiritual abilities and tasks. Angel Names The first angels mentioned by name in the Bible are Gavriel (Gabriel) and Michael, in the Book of Daniel. In earlier books of the Torah, when people asked angels to disclose their names, they refused; such as in the abovementioned encounter of Jacob with the angel, and the story of the angel who appeared to ...