
Showing posts with the label The Mystical Month of Nissan 5783 The Mystical Month of Nissan 5783

Image The Mystical Month of Nissan 5783 The Mystical Month To Come   NISSAN 5783 (March 23-April 21) "In Nissan they were redeemed, in Nissan they will be redeemed." 1) " Jewish Astrology " 2) Calendar Reminders 1) "Jewish Astrology" (from Sefer HaYetzira ) Month Sign Letter Tribe Limb sense Sefirah Channel Permutation of the Name 1 Aries heh Yehuda Right foot Speech Keter to Chochma Y.K.V.K   2) CALENDAR REMINDERS   1 Nissan (March 22-23) - Rosh Chodesh 3 Nissan (March 24-25) - Shabbat Vayikra, Torah Reading: Lev. 1:1-5:26; Haftorah: Isaiah 43:21-28, 44:1-23 10 Nissan (March 31-April 1) Shabbat Tzav, Shabbat HaGadol, Torah Reading: Lev. 6:1-8:36; Haftorah: J