
Showing posts with the label ChaBaD Tuesday

ChaBaD Tuesday, 9 Shevat, 5783 January 31, 2023

  ChaBaD Tuesday, 9 Shevat, 5783 January 31, 2023 Jewish History "Moshiach's Torah Scroll" completed (1970) The writing of the "Sefer Torah to greet  Moshiach ," initiated at the behest of  the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn , in 1942, was concluded 28 years later at a special gathering convened by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Friday afternoon, the 9th of Shevat, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak's passing. Links: Moshiach and the Future Redemption Sefer Torah to Greet Moshiach Belzer Rebbe Rescued From the Holocaust (1944) After a series of hair-rising escapes from Gestapo agents in Poland and Hungary, R. Aharon Rokeach, fourth Rebbe of Belz, safely arrived in the Land of Israel. He was accompanied by his brother, R. Mordechai, father of the present Belzer Rebbe, R. Yissachar Dov. Link:   Endless Inspiration Daily Study Chumash Parshat Beshalach, 3rd...

ChaBaD Tuesday, 2 Shevat, 5783 January 24, 2023

 ChaBaD Tuesday, 2 Shevat, 5783 January 24, 2023 Jewish History Alexander-Yannai's death celebrated (76 BCE) Hashmonean King Alexander-Yannai (Jannaeus) , an avowed enemy of the Jewish sages, died on this date. So great was his cruelty and the ruthlessness with which he persecuted the Sages and those loyal to them (some 50,000 were killed in the years 82-76 BCE), that the day of his death was declared a holiday. Link: King Yannai Purim Rome (1793) On this day, Shevat 2 (January 14, 1793), a frenzied mob gathered around the Jewish ghetto of Rome with the intention of setting it on fire. Miraculously, heavy rains began to fall, and it became impossible for the bloodthirsty horde to carry out their plans, thus saving the homes and lives of the Jews from destruction. Every year, that day, also known as Moed di Piombo (“Holiday of Gray [Clouds]”), has been celebrated as a day of thanksgiving by the Jews of Rome. Link: Other ...

ChaBaD Tuesday, January 17, 2023 24 Tevet, 5783

 ChaBaD   Tuesday, January 17, 2023 24 Tevet, 5783 Jewish History Passing of R. Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1812) The founder of Chabad Chassidism,  Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi  (1745-1812), passed away on the eve of the 24th of Tevet, 5573, at approximately 10:30 pm, shortly after reciting the  Havdalah  prayer marking the end of the Shabbat. The Rebbe was in the village of Peyena,  fleeing Napoleon's armies , which had swept through the Rebbe's hometown of Liadi three months earlier in their advance towards Moscow. He was in his 68th year at the time of his passing, and was succeeded by his son,  Rabbi DovBer of Lubavitch . Link:   The Life and Teachings of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi Safed Earthquake (1837) A devastating earthquake struck northern Israel, killing four thousand Jews in  Safed  and between 700 to 1000 Jews in Tiberias. Many of the survivors migrated to Hebron, rejuvenating the developing Chabad community e...