
Showing posts with the label "Place & No-Place" [Terumah 5783] "Place & No-Place" [Terumah 5783]

Image "Place & No-Place" [Terumah 5783] ASCENT OF SAFED, P. O. BOX 296, SAFED 13102, email: The week of  TERUMAH 5783 This Torah teaching is dedicated with hearty mazal tov wishes to the YAGODA & DABAH families שי' on the marriage of YAEL BRACHA & SHLOMO ZALMAN HOROWITZ שי' May they build an everlasting Jewish home based on the foundations of Torah and Mitzvot   When we pray, wherever we are, we face towards the place that the Temple stood in its glory in Jerusalem. All the prayers of Jewish people pass through the Temple, as the verse says in connection to our forefather Yaakov when he stood on Mount Moriah, the Temple Mount “This is the gateway to Heaven” ( Bereishit /Genesis 28:17). Someone praying outside of Israel faces the Land of Israel, as the verse says, “And they prayed to You, via their land” ( Melachim Alef /Kings 1 8:48).   Wait a minute! We are p...