Sefaria Pirkei Avot 1: 12-13 Dr. Joshua Kulp

Sefaria Pirkei Avot 1: 12-13 Dr. Joshua Kulp Level three: Near the weekly parsha with the haftorah both with Rashi , a chapter of Nach beginning with Joshua until the end of II Chronicles without Tehillim and start after the 'end' with Joshua again, Mishnah starting with Seder Zeraim (Agriculture) Berakhot until the end Seder Tahorot (Purity) Oktzin and start after the end with Seder Zeraim (Agriculture) Berakhot, reading it very quickly every day. About This Text Pirkei Avot Mishnah Pirkei Avot (literally “Chapters of the Fathers,” also known as “Ethics of our Fathers”) is a tractate in Seder Nezikin (“Order of Damages”) and the only tractate in the Mishnah with almost no laws, consisting instead of short statement of advice, ethics and wisdom. The first chapter outlines an order of the transmission of the Oral Torah, beginning with Moses at Mount Sinai and continuing through the prophets and sages. The next f...