Yahuda101 Ikvot Meshicha: The days just before the arrival of the Mashiach

Ikvot Meshicha: The days just before the arrival of the Mashiach By Yahuda101 1/21/2023 Prophesies for the coming of The Moshiach Moshiach is the Hebrew word for “messiah.” The word messiah in English means a savior or a “hoped-for deliverer.” The word Moshiach in Hebrew actually means “anointed.” In Biblical Hebrew, the title Moshiach was bestowed on somebody who had attained a position of nobility and greatness. For example, the high priest is referred to as the kohen ha-Moshiach . In Talmudic literature the title Moshiach, or Melech HaMoshiach (the King Messiah), is reserved for the Jewish leader who will redeem Israel in the End of Days. Yirmiyahu - Jeremiah - Chapter 23 1. Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the flocks of My pasture! says the Lord. Flocks of my pasture are the people of Israel. 2. Therefore, so says the Lord God of Israel concerning the shepherds: You who pasture My people, you have scattered My flocks and have driven them away and have not taken care...