For the last eight years, Beyadenu guides stand on the frontlines of Temple Mount ascendence!

For the last eight years, Beyadenu guides stand on the frontlines of Temple Mount ascendence! 🫵 Now, in order for them to continue - we need YOU to support the guides. All donations are tax deductible with US 501c3 receipts 👉 🤠 Every ascender over the past few years has met Arnon Segal, Roei Zaga, Eliasaf Ofen, Rabbi Tzvi Tal, Rabbi Itay Elizur and many more Beyadenu guides. These guides are on the Mount every day. They meet the ascenders, engage with the newcomers and are changing the Temple Mount experience. 🙏 Now it is time to thank them! In order for this amazing project to keep functioning, we need to reach a target of 4,000 NIS a month. This is the time to join and donate to the important Beyadenu guiding project! 🇮🇱 Our guides are waiting for you on the Mount every day! Book a tour here 👉 💳 All donations are tax deductible in the US (501c3), please help us support our guides: