Yahuda101 What Is Time?

Yahuda101 What Is Time? What Is Time? An elucidation of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s comments on the topic By Tzvi Freeman Posted by Yahuda101 Author’s Note: In a few cryptic lines from a letter written in 1947, the Lubavitcher Rebbe discusses the essential quality of Time. Along the way, Einstein’s relativity is dealt with in critical terms. Unfortunately, due to the cryptic style of the letter and the assumptions of knowledge it makes, the letter has been misunderstood or misinterpreted more than once. What follows is an attempt to clarify, in simple and concise terms, what this author believes to be the intent of this letter after review of the referenced material. Also provided are descriptions and elaborations of related comments of the Rebbe in other works. Thoughts by Julius G-d is an all knowing, omnipotent, intelligent energy I believe that G-d is an all knowing, omnipotent, intelligent energy. G-d not only wrote the Torah and the ten commandants, but he als...