Torah does not require my understanding as a prerequisite for my obedience.

Torah does not require my understanding as a prerequisite for my obedience. Gavriella Herbst · EDIT: This post is not meant as a judgment of those who are coming from different backgrounds, but rather an effort to demonstrate the Torah/Hebew/Jewish mindset. Be blessed. *** Torah does not require my understanding as a prerequisite for my obedience. At Har Sinai, all the people said with one united voice: כֹּל אֲשֶׁר דִּבֶּר יי נַעֲשֶׂה "All that Hashem has spoken WE WILL DO". This was BEFORE the Torah was given. (Shemot 19:8) In Judaism, we do not wait until we have complete understanding before we do a mitzvah. Many times, the understanding comes in the doing. It does not mean we should NOT seek understanding of the mitzvot and their deeper significance, however it demonstrates that the Jewish mindset is one of complete unconditional devotion. If one's obedience to any Torah mitzvah is conditional on one's understanding and personal agreement, is that true...