Yahuda101 Neshamah

Yahuda101 Neshamah Neshamah By Yahuda101 I wrote about Olam Ha-ba (“World to Come”) in a previous article, in that article I was referring Olam Ha-ba relating to the world to come in the Messianic age; in this article I will write about Olam Ha-ba as relating to the hereafter, or some may call it heaven. Jews believe in an afterlife in a world beyond the one you’re currently living in—sometimes referred to as “heaven.” A rich tradition informs us that there is a sequel to this life that makes sense of everything you’re going through in this installment. Jews call this after-life Olam Ha-ba (“World to Come”) and Gan Eden (“Garden of Eden”). Belief in an afterlife is core to Judaism. It’s a foundation stone without which the entire structure would collapse. It begins with the belief that within the human being resides a spark of the divine. In Hebrew, that’s called a neshamah . Neshamah literally means “breath.” Think of it as G‑d breathing within the human body, as in the scene whe...