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ChaBaD: Lessons In Tanya

  Today's Tanya Lesson  Tevet 7, 5783 · December 31, 2022 Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 8 AUDIO & VIDEO CLASSES     •  VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon   Watch • Listen   •  AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Manis Freidman    Listen • Download MP3 ועוד זאת במאכלות אסורות, שלכך נקראים בשם איסור There is an additional aspect in the matter of forbidden foods, for which reason they are called issur (“bound” and attached): מפני שאף מי שאכל מאכל איסור בלא הודע, לשם שמים, לעבוד ה׳ בכח אכילה ההיא Even if one ate a forbidden food unwittingly and his intention in eating was for the sake of heaven, i.e., in order to serve G‑d with the energy derived from it; (Had the food been permitted, the very act of eating for the sake of heaven would suffice to extract the good from the