
Showing posts with the label The Good of the Land "Vanquishin the Lower 7" The Good of the Land "Vanquishin the Lower 7"

Image The Good of the Land "Vanquishin the Lower 7"   This Torah learning is dedicated to the merit of DAVID & NATALIE WOLF' s birthdays. A hearty mazal tov! Blessings for a year of material and spiritual success, simcha, the best of health and revealed good.   Vanquishing the "Lower 7" Chapter Two, Part 2   Advanced By  Rabbi Nathan Schapira; translation & commentary by David Slavin « Previous A Land for Every Nation (2:1)   In the days of Moses, the Children of Israel were only promised the seven lands of the seven nations. Those seven correspond to the lower seven  sefirot . Yet,  "The lands of the Kini and Kenizi and Kadmoni"  ( Gen. 15:19)  which correspond to the three upper  sefirot , they were not promised. This was so being that, in our times, only the lower seven are functioning in a perceivable manner. After the final redemption, those upper three w...