KabbalaOnline.org The Good of the Land "Vanquishin the Lower 7"
KabbalaOnline.org The Good of the Land "Vanquishin the Lower 7" This Torah learning is dedicated to the merit of DAVID & NATALIE WOLF' s birthdays. A hearty mazal tov! Blessings for a year of material and spiritual success, simcha, the best of health and revealed good. Vanquishing the "Lower 7" Chapter Two, Part 2 Advanced By Rabbi Nathan Schapira; translation & commentary by David Slavin « Previous A Land for Every Nation (2:1) In the days of Moses, the Children of Israel were only promised the seven lands of the seven nations. Those seven correspond to the lower seven sefirot . Yet, "The lands of the Kini and Kenizi and Kadmoni" ( Gen. 15:19) which correspond to the three upper sefirot , they were not promised. This was so being that, in our times, only the lower seven are functioning in a perceivable manner. After the final redemption, those upper three w...