Julius Dead Sea Scrolls And The Tanakh

Julius Dead Sea Scrolls And The Tanakh Dead Sea Scrolls And The Tanakh By Julius Professor Sukenik, after initially defining the time span of the scrolls as the Second Temple period, recognized their special significance and advocated the now widely accepted theory that they were remnants of the library of the Essenes. Today scholarly opinion regarding the time span and background of the Dead Sea Scrolls is anchored in historical, paleographic, and linguistic evidence, corroborated firmly by carbon 14-datings. Some manuscripts were written and copied in the third century B.C.E., but the bulk of the material, particularly the texts that reflect on a sectarian community, are originals or copies from the first century B.C.E.; a number of texts date from as late as the years preceding the destruction of the site in 68 C.E. at the hands of the Roman legions. Interesting for Jews? Professor Schiffman Said of the scrolls… “There is an emotional component,” the expert...