Chabad Jewish Calendar 18 Iyar, 5783 May 9, 2023

Chabad Jewish Calendar 18 Iyar, 5783 May 9, 2023 Lag BaOmer (33rd Day of the Omer) - Hod sheb'Hod Jewish History Plague among R. Akiva's Disciples Ends (circa 120 CE) In the weeks between Passover and Shavuot, a plague decimated 24,000 students of the great sage Rabbi Akiva--a result, says the Talmud, of the fact that they " did not respect one another ." The plague's cessation on Iyar 18--the 33rd day of the Omer Count or "Lag BaOmer"--is one of the reasons that the day is celebrated each year (see "Laws and Customs" below). Links: Rabbi Akiva Passing of R. Shimon bar Yochai (2nd century CE) Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai ("Rashbi"), was a leading disciple of Rabbi Akiva and one of the most important tana'im whose teachings of Torah law are collected in the Mishnah. He was also the first to publicly teach the mystical dimension of the Torah known as the "Kabbalah", and is the author of the basic work of Kabbalah, the ...