Rabbi Shaul Leiter "What Does G-D Want?" [Vayechi 5783]
Rabbi Shaul Leiter "What Does G-D Want?" [Vayechi 5783] ASCENT OF SAFED, P. O. BOX 296, SAFED 13102, email: director@ascentofsafed.com The week of VAYECHI 5783 This Torah teaching is dedicated in loving memory and for the merit of MORDECHAI DAVID ben ZALMAN YEHUDA ז"ל May his soul have a great elevation and continue to be a faithful advocate for ELLIS GREEN and family שי' In this week’s Torah portion, Vayechi , we read, “You thought evil of me, G-d thought good" ( Bereishit 50:20}. The Midrash Rabbah at the beginning of Parshat Shemini (12:1) tells about a man who really liked to drink wine. When his money ran out, he began to sell his possessions; anything so he could continue to supply himself with wine. His sons decided to put an end to this addiction - at once. One day, as the man was reeling drunk in the street, they took him and put him inside a cave in the cemetery. Some wine merchants were passin...