ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Tuesday, September 19, 2023 4 Tishrei, 5784

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Tuesday, September 19, 2023 4 Tishrei, 5784 Jewish History Passing of R. Yoel Baal Shem (1713) R. Yoel Baal Shem was a saintly rabbi and miracle worker who led the Society of Hidden Tzaddikim (righteous men) after the passing of its leader, R. Eliyahu Baal Shem. He was succeeded by R. Adam Baal Shem, who was in turn succeeded by R. Israel Baal Shem Tov . Link: What Does Baal Shem Tov Mean? Laws and Customs Ten Days of Repentance The 10-day period beginning on Rosh Hashanah and ending on Yom Kippur is known as the "Ten Days of Repentance"; this is the period, say the sages, of which the prophet speaks when he proclaims (Isaiah 55:6) "Seek G-d when He is to be found; call on Him when He is near." Psalm 130, Avinu Malkeinu and other special inserts and additions are included in our daily prayers during these days. The Baal Shem Tov instituted the custom of reciting three additional chapters of Psalms e...