
Showing posts from December, 2022

ChaBaD: Lessons In Tanya

  Today's Tanya Lesson  Tevet 7, 5783 · December 31, 2022 Likutei Amarim, beginning of Chapter 8 AUDIO & VIDEO CLASSES     •  VIDEO CLASS: Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon   Watch • Listen   •  AUDIO CLASS: Rabbi Manis Freidman    Listen • Download MP3 ועוד זאת במאכלות אסורות, שלכך נקראים בשם איסור There is an additional aspect in the matter of forbidden foods, for which reason they are called issur (“bound” and attached): מפני שאף מי שאכל מאכל איסור בלא הודע, לשם שמים, לעבוד ה׳ בכח אכילה ההיא Even if one ate a forbidden food unwittingly and his intention in eating was for the sake of heaven, i.e., in order to serve G‑d with the energy derived from it; (Had the food been permitted, the very act of eating for the sake of heaven would suffice to extract the good from the

Parsha Insights - Time is Precious

  Parsha Insights By Rabbi Yisroel Ciner To Dedicate an Article  click here Parshas Vayigash Time is Precious   This weeks Parsha, Vayigash, gives us an incredible glimpse into the depths of all facets of the Torah. The gemara Megilah teaches us that the ‘truppe’, the ‘melody notes’ upon which the tune of the laining is based, were passed down from Moshe on Sinai. The Vilna Gaon shows us just what can be learned from the names of these notes. Just to first get our bearings straight, let’s recall what occurred in last weeks parsha. Yosef had sent the brothers back home with food but had warned them not to return without bringing Binyamin with them. Yaakov agrees to send Binyamin only after Yehuda guarantees his return. Yehuda had accepted upon himself that if he wouldn’t bring back Binyamin alive, he would be excommunicated in both this world and the next. They arrive, are gre

Dvar Torah - Forever Youthful

  Dvar Torah By Rabbi Label Lam To Dedicate an Article  click here Parshas Vayigash Forever Youthful   How can I go up to my father if the (Naar) boy is not with me?… (Breishis 44:34) Sometimes a verse in the Torah can be learned as a freestanding statement abstract from the context of the narrative. Here Yehuda is desperately pleading to rescue his youngest brother Benyamin and he utters a few words that have deep significance to each and every one of us, “How can I go up to my father and the NAAR- the youth is not with me!?” We are all children of HASHEM, literally, as the verse explicitly states, “Banim Atem L’HASHEM Elocheichem” – You are children of HASHEM your G-d!” (Devarim 14:1) We are gifted with an inherent and unbreakable bond with HASHEM. A parent -child relationship is forever. The love is unconditional. It can be developed and enhanced but it is not an artifici

Haftorah Commentary - Haftorah Commentary Parshas Vayigash

  Haftorah Commentary By Rabbi Dovid Siegel To Dedicate an Article  click here Parshas Vayigash Haftorah Commentary Parshas Vayigash   Yechezkel 37:15 This week’s haftorah is devoted to the Jewish nation’s future unification. it opens with Hashem instructing the Prophet Yechezkel to take two pieces of wood and inscribe them with names of the Jewish kingdoms, Yehuda and Yosef. Hashem then said, “Bring them near one another to appear as one and they shall unite in your hands.” Radak interprets this to mean that Yechezkel should hold the pieces alongside each other and they will miraculously unite into one solid piece of wood. He explains that this refers to the future miraculous unification of the Jewish kingdom. The individual pieces of wood represent the individual kingdoms of Israel. Although Hashem unconditionally granted Dovid Hamelech’s dynasty the kingdom of Israel this

Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha - Liar Liar

  Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha By Rabbi Yochanan Zweig To Dedicate an Article  click here Parshas Vayigash Liar Liar   “And they told him, saying ‘Yosef is still alive. He is the ruler of all Egypt’ and his heart became numb, for he did not believe them” (45:26) The verse states that when the brothers revealed to Yaakov that Yosef was still alive, he did not believe them. The Midrash comments that “such is the fate of the liar – even when conveying the truth he is not believed”. 1 Since they had lied to Yaakov earlier concerning Yosef’s fate, Yaakov refused to believe them this time. When Delilah was attempting to discover the source of Shimshon’s great strength, Shimshon initially gave her false information. When he finally told her the true source of his strength, the verse states that she knew immediately that he was not lying. 2 The Talmud comments that the reason for this