ChaBaD Jewish Calendar April 28, 2023 7 Iyar, 5783

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar April 28, 2023 7 Iyar, 5783 Omer: Day 22 - Chessed sheb'Netzach Tonight Count 23 Candle Lighting Light Candles at 6:37 PM Jewish History Jerusalem Walls Dedicated (335 BCE) The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem was celebrated with great jubilation nearly 88 years after they were destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia. Venetian Ghetto (1516) On the 7th of Iyar, 1516, the Venetian City Council decreed that all Jews be segregated to a specific area of the city. Venice's ghetto was surrounded by water, with a canal leading to its gates. At night the "Christian guards" patrolled the waters around the ghetto to ensure that the night curfew wasn't violated. At the same time of the establishment of this ghetto, numerous other degrading laws were enacted, including the requirement that all Jews wear yellow stars as identification. Despite all these restrictions, the Jewish community blossomed and functioned normally. In 1797, the ghetto was ab...