Yahuda101 A righteous man could not atone for the sins of the wicked

A righteous man could not atone for the sins of the wicked By Yahuda101 The Jewish people were strictly prohibited from offering human sacrifices under any circumstances. There is not one place throughout the entire corpus of the Jewish Scriptures where human sacrifices are condoned. In fact, over and over again, the Bible warns the Jewish people that it is a grave sin to bring a human being as a sacrifice. In the Book of Leviticus, only distinct species of animals are permitted for use in blood sacrifices. The ancient pagan religions promoted the same idea about atonement as Christendom continues to preach today (e.g. Molech ). They would joyfully offer humans to the fires of their sacrificial offering in order to expiate their sins and appease the gods. The Torah therefore condemned human sacrifices and forewarned Jewish people of terrible consequences if this commandment were violated. The Almighty’s directive – He only wanted animal sacrifices rather than human sacrific...