ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Thursday, 24 Tammuz, 5783 July 13, 2023

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Thursday, 24 Tammuz, 5783 July 13, 2023 Torah Reading Matot: Numbers 30:2-17 Jewish History Jews of Jerusalem are set aflame (1099) When the crusaders captured Jerusalem during the First Crusade, the Jews of Jerusalem fled into a synagogue. The crusaders then set flame to the synagogue, burning alive all the Jewish men, women, and children who had taken refuge there. All Jews were barred from living in the city of Jerusalem for the following 88 years. Link: The Crusades Laws and Customs "The Three Weeks" During the Three Weeks , from 17th of Tamuz to the 9th of Av, we commemorate the conquest of Jerusalem, the destruction of the Holy Temple and the dispersion of the Jewish people. Weddings and other joyful events are not held during this period; like mourners, we do not cut our hair, and various pleasurable activities are limited or proscribed. (The particular mourning customs vary from community to community, so consult a competent halachic authority ...