
Showing posts with the label Sefaria Kalach Pitchei Chokhmah 5 Avraham Greenbaum

Sefaria Kalach Pitchei Chokhmah 5 Avraham Greenbaum, 2005

 Sefaria Kalach Pitchei Chokhmah 5 Avraham Greenbaum, 2005 Kalach Pitchei Chokhmah Kabbalah Author: Moshe Chaim Luzzatto An systematic introduction to Kabbalah, characteristic of the author's style in all of his works. Composed: Koretz (c.1730 - c.1750 CE) נוצר/נערך: Koretz (1730 - 1750 לספירה בקירוב) Current Version Kalach Pitchei Chokhmah -- grimoar Select Version Read More Source: Digitization: Sefaria License: Public Domain Revision History Buy in Print Current Translation 138 Openings of Wisdom, translated by Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum. The Azamra Institute, 2005 Select Translation Read More Source: Digitization: Sefaria License: CC-BY-NC Revision History Chapter 5 ענין הספירות [ה -ו]: The Sefirot (Openings 5-6) הספירות - גילוי הא"ס ב"ה: The Sefirot were an innovation in that they are visible lights, whereas Eyn Sof is not visible. הספירות הם הארות שניתנו ליראות, מה שלא ניתן אור הפשוט א"ס ב"ה: The Sefirot are lights that we