
Showing posts with the label KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19

KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19, no. 29

 KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19, no. 29 bs'D from the print version of Magazine Magazine A project of Ascent-of-Safed Vol. 19, No.29 2 Iyar - 8 Iyar, 5783 / Apr. 23 - 29, 2023 Week of Achrei Mot - Kedoshim 5783   PREFACE : The 2nd article continues our insights into the mitzvah of Counting Omer. The 3rd article presents insights for the 3rd chapter of Pirkei Avot (the Mishnaic tractate of 'Ethical Principles'). The Weekly Reading combines two separate portions. Article #4 plus the story (#7) is for Acharei; #5 is for Kedoshim; #6 examines the connection between both.   What is Kabbalah? What is Kabbalah? ...And Why?         By Yerachmiel Tilles The Kabbalah and its teachings -- no less

KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19, no.25

 KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19, no.25 bs'D from the print version of Magazine Magazine A project of Ascent-of-Safed Vol. 19, No.25 4 - 10 Nissan, 5783 / March 26 - April 1, 2023 Week of Tzav-Gadol 5783     PREFACE : Welcome to our special Shabbat HaGadol issue. This is the first full week of the Jewish month of Nisan, and the seventh day is Shabbat HaGadol, "THE Great Shabbat" — read all about it in the first 3 articles, and the 7th). The 4th article is on the once-a-year blessing over budding/blossoming fruit trees — this can be a nice family activity during the Jewish month of Nissan which began last Thursday. The last 3, including the story, are for the weekly reading of Tzav. Next week: special PASSOVER issue.       Cleansed by Divine Energy

KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19, no.19

 KabbalaOnLine Magazine Vol.19, no.19 bs'D from the print version of Magazine Magazine A project of Ascent-of-Safed Vol. 19, No.19 21 Shevat - 27 Shevat, 5783 / Feb. 12 - Feb.18, 2023 Week of Mishpatim 5783   PREFACE : After the reading of Mishpatim this week (articles #5-7), an important additional section about the half-shekel is also read (article #3-4) in a second scroll. The long discourses in the Zohar about the Jewish doctrine of reincarnation evolve from this week's Torah reading (articles #1,7). Kabbalah insights into the holiness of the Land of Israel are contained in articles #2,6), while articles #1,2,5, are teachings from 16th century Tzefat Kabbalists.   DEDICATION This Torah learning is dedicated to the merit of DR. CHARLES NENNER on the occasion of his birthday. Mazal Tov blessings for much material & spiritual success in good heal