ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Sunday, 1 Sivan, 5783 May 21, 2023

ChaBaD Jewish Calendar Sunday, 1 Sivan, 5783 May 21, 2023 Rosh Chodesh Sivan Omer: Day 45 - Tifferet sheb'Malchut Tonight Count 46 Torah Reading Rosh Chodesh: Numbers 28:1-3; Numbers 28:3-15 Jewish History Flood Waters Recede (2105 BCE) 150 days after the rains stopped falling in the Great Flood, the raging waters which covered the face of the earth calmed and began to subside at the rate of one cubit every four days (Genesis 8:3; Rashi, ibid. See " Today in Jewish History " for Cheshvan 17.) Links: Noah and the Flood The Flood Encampment at Sinai (1313 BCE) On the 1st of Sivan of the year 2448 from creation (1313 BCE), six weeks after their exodus from Egypt, the Children of Israel arrived at Mount Sinai in the Sinai Desert and camped at the foot of the mountain " as one man, with one heart " in preparation for the receiving of the Torah from G-d. On this day, however "Moses did not say anything to them, because of their exhaustion from t...