Yehuda101 Israel is being watched by the world

Israel is being watched by the world During a recent discussion on FaceBook it was suggested that Israel was no longer a nation of G-d because Israel is known as leaders in equality for sexual minorities, and abortions. As for abortions Israel News TV7 reports Israel ranks second lowest western country in abortion rates June 1, 2017 -- HEADLINES , NEWS Tags: Abortions , Croatia , Israel , Jewish State According to a new report by Israel’s Health Ministry, the rate of abortions in the Jewish state is particularly low compared to Western countries, which ranks Israel 27 out of 28, with only Croatia in the list with fewer abortions per year. In 2015, there were 19,531 applications to the Committee for Termination of Pregnancy, which resulted in 18,240 approved abortions that were performed. Since the year 2000, there has been a 25 percent drop in pregnancy termination rates in Israel, and a decline of 32 percent since 1990. That said, Israel has one of the most liberal abortion...